Cyphers, Codes and Symbolism

34 posts

Adam Goldman

Bio: Right Worshipful Brother Adam Goldman is the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Washington, D.C. (GLDC) and former Grand Orator of the same. He also currently serves as Celebrant of the Masonic Rosicrucians of Washington, D.C., and Vice President of D.C.’s National Sojourners for Masonic Veterans. RWB Goldman […]

Jon T. Ruark

Bio: Jon T. Ruark is a Past Master of The Patriot Lodge No. 1957 in Fairfax, VA. His love of technology and gadgets led him to start The Masonic Roundtable as an online dialogue platform. He is an Engineer for the federal government by trade and specializes in Lean and […]

Kevin Homan

Bio: Father, husband, Freemason. Kevin is a member of Olive Branch Lodge No 114 in Leesburg VA as well as a number of Appendant Bodies. He was Raised in August of 2010, and has served as Master of his Lodge as well as the head of several Bodies. Kevin’s primary […]

Josef Wäges

Bio:  Josef Wäges 32° Freemason, is a member of the Blue Friars, member of Plano Lodge #768, Fate Lodge #802, the Dallas Valley of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Southern Jurisdiction), Fellow of the Grand College of Rites, Fellow of the Philalethés, full member of the Texas Lodge of Research, […]

Robert H. Johnson

Bio: Philosophy is at the core of what Robert is after. Having grown up in Italy and being exposed to the culture and much of the renaissance art and literature, Freemasonry became a natural place for him to gravitate toward. He is an avid musician and writer. He’s written for […]

Matthew N. Parker

Bio: Bro. Matt Parker is a member of Wendell Lodge 565 in Wendell, North Carolina, founder of the North Carolina Masonic Research Society, Chair of the Grand Lodge Committee on Public Relations, member of the Grand Lodge Library Committee, 32° Scottish Right Mason, SJ, and member of the York Rite […]

Bryan Godwin

Bio: Bryan Godwin is presiding Master and charter member of Anchor Bell Lodge #868. Bryan’s Masonic writing has been featured in the Scottish Rite Research Society’s “The Plumb-line”, The Masonic Society’s publication “The Journal”, multiple issues and a guest editor spot in the Southern California Research Society’s publication, “The Fraternal […]

Jaime Paul Lamb

Bio: Jaime Paul Lamb is the author of MYTH, MAGICK & MASONRY: Occult Perspectives in Freemasonry (The Laudable Pursuit, 2018) and APPROACHING THE MIDDLE CHAMBER: The Seven Liberal Arts in Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition (The Laudable Pursuit, 2020) He is a member of Old Well-Saint John’s Lodge no. 6, F.&A.M., Norwalk, CT; […]

Robert Joy

Bio: Robert Joy became a Free Mason in Perth Western Australia with a Scottish Lodge Robbie Burns 860 on 2nd October 1980. His Professional life has seen him living in UK, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, The USA, Costa Rica, and Panama. His work has been Senior Traffic Safety Officer, Counselor, […]

Seth Anthony

Bio: Bro. Anthony is a Past Master of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. In 2018, Seth was honored with the Grand Master’s Outstanding Service medal for his work with the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, where he currently serves on several committees and as Secretary of the […]