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Adam Goldman


Worshipful Brother Adam Goldman is a Past Master of Harmony Lodge No. 17, Past Venerable Master of the Scottish Rite’s Mithras Lodge of Perfection, and Past Grand Orator for the Grand Lodge of Washington, DC FAAM. He is also a member of several other Grand Lodges and Research Lodges in California, Europe, and Central America. Additionally, WB Goldman is active in several Occult bodies that focus on the Western Esoteric Tradition such as the Masonic Rosicrucians in England and America.

A few of WB Goldman’s Masonic research interests include Qabalah & Magick • Astrology & Alchemy • Symbology & Tarot • Gematria & Numerology • Gnostic Philosophy & Anthropology • Rosicrucianism & Eastern Mysticism • Linguistics & Comparative Mythology • Masonic Demographics.

WB Goldman also contributes articles for several Masonic and other Occult platforms and is a real “traveling man.” In the last few years alone, he has led or been part of expeditions to England, Iceland, Haiti, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Most recently, he has been conducting “hidden in plain sight” walking tours of the secret symbols along Washington DC’s National Mall, France’s Champs Elysée, and Israel’s Old City of Jerusalem. WB Goldman speaks several languages and is a US Army Veteran.

Prepared Topics: 

The Hiram with a Thousand Faces – 6o Minutes
An ethnolinguistic examination of many of the terms used in Masonic ritual to determine their origins from the perspective of comparative mythology.

Astrotheology & Freemasonry – 6o Minutes
An overview of Astrological concepts and how they have been concealed in the allegories and symbols of the Masonic degrees. Note: this lecture has several variations specific to the Scottish & York Rites.

The Feasts of the Holy Saints John & Freemasonry’s “Dark North” – 30-6o Minutes
This presentation for Table Lodges unearths the Astrotheological and Gnostic significance behind the Holy Saints John and how those Deities intersect at the crossroads with Freemasonry’s “Dark North.”

Occult Symbols of Freemasonry, Part I – 6o-90 Minutes
Revelations about the Lunar/Sacred Feminine aspects of Freemasonry and the hidden meanings behind the Ashlar and Cornerstone.

Occult Symbols of Freemasonry, Part II – 6o-90 Minutes
Revelations about the Solar/Masculine aspect of Freemasonry and possible origins of the Masonic apron.

Sex Magick & Masonry, Hidden Connections – 6o Minutes
A tantric and qabalistic analysis of the hidden meanings behind the symbols of the Craft and possible reasons for their inclusion in Masonic ritual. Note: this lecture has several variations specific to the Scottish & York Rites.

Hermetic Teachings of Freemasonry – 6o Minutes
Comparisons of select aspects of the Corpus Hermeticum to Masonic teachings and, more generally, to the Hiramic legend itself. Note: this lecture has variations specific to the Scottish Rite.

Hidden Connections Betwixt Jack the Ripper & the Murder of G.M. Hiram Abiff – 60 minutes
Comparisons between “the Ripper’s” Whitechapel murders and the death of our own GMHA by the Ruffians. Note: this lecture has variations specific to the Scottish Rite.

Tzimtzum & the Creation of the Universe – 60 Minutes
Examination of the point-within-a-circle and its connections to the Lurianic Kabbalist teachings of tzimtzum (meaning “contraction” or “withdrawal,” pronounced TSIM-tsoom) which describes the Great Architect’s pre-Genesis activities.

Practical Masonic Meditations – 90-120 Minutes
Exploration of the Masonic ritual through guided meditations. In this unique presentation, participants will re-live and re-interpret their Masonic experiences through powerful visualization techniques. This presentation will provide each Brother with a simple and repeatable process consisting of silent introspection, written reflection and verbal dialogue with others.

Hidden-in-Plain-Sight Walking Tours – 2 Hours Minimum
Walking tours in the city of your choice with a detailed discussion of the Astrological, Mythological, Alchemical, and Qabalistic meanings behind its symbols.

Travel information: WB Goldman is flexible on travel and is happy to discuss options when contacted.


WB Goldman can be found at

Contact Adam direct with the form below.