
52 posts

Daniel Molina

Bio: Daniel Molina was born in Englewood, New Jersey, on February 26th, 1994, and his family relocated to Miami, Florida, shortly after. He has lived there ever since. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on November 1st, 2016, in Hibiscus Lodge #275, and he served as […]

Roberto M. Sanchez

Bio: Roberto M. Sanchez is a very active Freemason. He served as Worshipful Master of his Mother Lodge – Gray Lodge No. 329 in 2011-2012, and as District Deputy Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of Texas in 2013. In 2013-2014, he served as President of the Master’s, Warden’s and […]

Wes Latchford

Bio: Wes Latchford is Program Manager for the U.S. Navy’s Information Warfare Enterprise where he manages information warfare strategy and policy, long-range planning, and executive management across the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Coast Guard. A retired “Navy Mustang,” he served as both a Naval Intelligence Officer and […]

John S. Nagy

Bio: Brother John S. Nagy is a 32 Degree Mason , Lodge Musician , recipient of the 2014 Duane E. Anderson Award for Excellence in Masonic Education and Masonic Education provider to Lodges that support his efforts to share. John has spoken, trained and facilitated at Blue Lodges , Grand […]

Carson C. Smith

Bio: W. Bro. Carson C. Smith is a member of Calvin W. Prather Lodge No. 717, York Rite, Scottish Rite, Murat Shrine, Sahara Grotto, and a number of Invitational Bodies, acknowledgments include the Grand Master’s Award with High Distinction (Lodge), Distinguished Companion (Chapter), Cryptic Mason of the Year (Council), Distinguished […]

Cedric Jacobson

Bio: Cedric was born and raised in central Montana. After graduating from the University of Montana with degrees in chemistry, microbiology, and cell & molecular biology, he spent 3 years teaching high school science in Dallas, Texas, where he also received his M. Ed. from SMU. He moved to New […]

Chad Kopenski

Bio: Chad Kopenski is a Past Master of Paramuthia Lodge #25 in Athens, Ohio, a member of Amesville Lodge #278 in Amesville, Ohio, and a member of Oregon Lodge #151 in Oregon, Wisconsin. Chad is a Past District Deputy Grand Master, the Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Ohio Education […]

Tim Sheils

Bio: Tim Sheils has a storied career, at one time or another engaged as a farmer, amateur boxer, bass player in a punk band, bass player in a heavy metal band, photographer, computer programmer, web developer, antique car restoration, philosopher, sociologist. He has no fear of embarrassing himself in public. […]

Alexander P. Herbert

Bio: Alexander was raised in 2008 and currently works as a space systems safety engineer in Denver, Colorado. Within the Fraternity, he is a Past Master of Hudson Lodge № 510 and of the Ohio Lodge of Research, and a Past District Education Officer and Past District Deputy Grand Master […]

Timothy Hogan

Bio: Tim Hogan is a Past Master of various lodges and Masonic affiliated bodies. He has lectured at lodges and Grand Lodges all over the world, as well as at Universities and U.S. Embassies. He’s also appeared on numerous television shows and podcasts around the world. He is an author […]