Bio: Bro:. Damien Jack is a member of the following organizations: Paul Drayton Lodge No.7 MWPHGL of NC, PM Excelsior Chapter No. 44, MEGCHRAMNCPHA, PEHP Hiram Abiff Council No. 3, PHGCRSMNC, PTIM Alpha Commandery No.1 Tarheel Grand Commandery KT, PEC Charlotte Consistory No. 35 – AASR, PCIC United Supreme Council SJ-PHA, 33° […]
Royal Arch
Bio: Focus of Work: Companion Bennett has a zeal for Masonic Symbolism and its interpretation. His fascination on creating excitement for all things esoteric and ritualistic manifests in his fervor to provide education and engaging discussions about the symbols, degrees, and lessons that begin in the quarries of Ancient Craft Freemasonry […]
Bio: Brother Rabie Jarmakani is the immediate Past District Grand Master of Lebanon under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland and holds the rank of Hon. Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free & Accepted Masons of Scotland. Brother […]
Bio: Tim Hogan is a Past Master of various lodges and Masonic affiliated bodies. He has lectured at lodges and Grand Lodges all over the world, as well as at Universities and U.S. Embassies. He’s also appeared on numerous television shows and podcasts around the world. He is an author […]
Bio: Jon T. Ruark is a Past Master of The Patriot Lodge No. 1957 in Fairfax, VA. His love of technology and gadgets led him to start The Masonic Roundtable as an online dialogue platform. He is an Engineer for the federal government by trade and specializes in Lean and […]
Bio: Josef Wäges 32° Freemason, is a member of the Blue Friars, member of Plano Lodge #768, Fate Lodge #802, the Dallas Valley of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Southern Jurisdiction), Fellow of the Grand College of Rites, Fellow of the Philalethés, full member of the Texas Lodge of Research, […]
Bio: Jaime Paul Lamb is the author of MYTH, MAGICK & MASONRY: Occult Perspectives in Freemasonry (The Laudable Pursuit, 2018) and APPROACHING THE MIDDLE CHAMBER: The Seven Liberal Arts in Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition (The Laudable Pursuit, 2020) He is a member of Old Well-Saint John’s Lodge no. 6, F.&A.M., Norwalk, CT; […]
Bio: Joe Martinez is a veteran of the United States Army and former Counterintelligence Special Agent. Joe is currently an executive and technologist for Corporate and Government Legal practices in the Washington, D.C. area. Joe graduated with a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Phoenix, and a […]
Bio: Bro. Jason M. Richards is a Past Master of Acacia Lodge No. 16 in Clifton, VA, where he was raised in 2012. He is also a member of The Colonial Lodge No. 1821 in Washington, DC and La Fayette Lodge No. 79 in Zanesville, OH. His favorite Masonic topics […]
Bio: Steven L. Harrison, 33°, is a Past Master and Fellow of the Missouri Lodge of Research. He received his Masonic Degrees in Liberty Lodge #31, Liberty, Missouri, in 1999, and served as its Master in 2003-4. For a decade he was editor of the Missouri Freemason magazine. In addition, […]