
4 posts

Rene Perez

Bio: Brother Rene J Perez is a New York Freemason and hails from George Washington Lodge 285 from the Grand Lodge of New York of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. He has studied for years in the Hermetic mysteries, focusing on subjects including Qabalah, Tarot, […]

Mark J. Pearrow

Bio: Mark Pearrow has been a research engineer at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts since 1996, although, before that, he was a professional musician and toured nationally with his ill-monikered band, Techno-Squid Eats Parliament. Since his teen years, he has been a student of the Mysteries, having started and led a […]

Jaime Paul Lamb

Bio: Jaime Paul Lamb is the author of MYTH, MAGICK & MASONRY: Occult Perspectives in Freemasonry (The Laudable Pursuit, 2018) and APPROACHING THE MIDDLE CHAMBER: The Seven Liberal Arts in Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition (The Laudable Pursuit, 2020) He is a member of Old Well-Saint John’s Lodge no. 6, F.&A.M., Norwalk, CT; […]

Robert Joy

Bio: Robert Joy became a Free Mason in Perth Western Australia with a Scottish Lodge Robbie Burns 860 on 2nd October 1980. His Professional life has seen him living in UK, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, The USA, Costa Rica, and Panama. His work has been Senior Traffic Safety Officer, Counselor, […]