Knight Templar

2 posts

Damien Jack

Bio: Bro:. Damien Jack is a member of the following organizations: Paul Drayton  Lodge No.7 MWPHGL of NC, PM Excelsior Chapter No. 44, MEGCHRAMNCPHA, PEHP Hiram Abiff Council No. 3, PHGCRSMNC, PTIM Alpha Commandery No.1 Tarheel Grand Commandery KT, PEC Charlotte Consistory No. 35 – AASR, PCIC United Supreme Council SJ-PHA, 33° […]

Carson C. Smith

Bio: W. Bro. Carson C. Smith is a member of Calvin W. Prather Lodge No. 717, York Rite, Scottish Rite, Murat Shrine, Sahara Grotto, and a number of Invitational Bodies, acknowledgments include the Grand Master’s Award with High Distinction (Lodge), Distinguished Companion (Chapter), Cryptic Mason of the Year (Council), Distinguished […]