Tim Hogan is a Past Master of various lodges and Masonic affiliated bodies. He has lectured at lodges and Grand Lodges all over the world, as well as at Universities and U.S. Embassies. He’s also appeared on numerous television shows and podcasts around the world. He is an author of six books on Freemasonry and was raised in 1996. Tim has spoken at lodges on every continent except Antartica and Australia. He has experience in forming Lodges in other countries, and is an honorary member of multiple Grand Lodges around the world. He received the James Royal Case award of Masonic Research out of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and resides in Colorado.
Prepared Topics:
The Alchemical Influence on the Gentle Craft – 60 Minutes
An exploration of how alchemical processes are contained within the ritual of Freemasonry.
The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon – 60 Minutes
An examination of qabbalistic mysteries in Freemasonry.
Templar Connections with Freemasonry – 60 Minutes
An exploration of how the ancient Templars utilized operative and symbolic masonic ideas and how these later got inherited in Freemasonry
Gnostic Reflections in Freemasonry – 60 Minutes
How the mysteries of the Gnostics found their way into Masonic Ritual.
Mysteries of the Cathedral – 60 Minutes
How Masonic symbolism is found on the gothic cathedrals and how these builders influenced what was to become Masonic ritual.
Entering the Chain of Union – 60 Minutes
An exploration of esoteric traditions and spiritual groups who have rituals identical to Masonic Ritual and how this came to be.
Travel Information: Tim is used to traveling and speaking all over the world. As long as flights and hotel are covered he will speak as long and as much as you want. No honorariums requested, however requests that he be able to sell books.
Books by Tim Hogan: Novo Clavis Esoterika, The Way of the Templar, Elements of the Elements, Entering the Chain of Union, Thoughts from Meditations, and Revelation of the Holy Grail. All can be purchased.