Nathan holds a Bachelor in Arts degree in History and a Masters of Science in American History from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He’s a member of the New York State Baseball Umpires Association, SABR and is the manager of on-site learning at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Brother Nathan Tweedier was raised in 2016 in Otsego Lodge No. 1138 in Cooperstown, NY. He is a 4th generation Freemason. He’s held numerous positions within his lodge including Master of Ceremonies. He is the Area 6 Historian as well. He holds membership within the York, AASR and is a founding clan member of the Knights of St. Andrew. He is the sole proprietor of Two Pillars Apparel, which focusses on sports themed Masonic items.
Prepared Talks:
The Craft and the Clubhouse: A Comparison of Baseball and Freemasonry – 30 Minutes
Otsego Lodge: 225 years of Masonry in Baseball’s hometown – 30 Minutes
A presentation on Hockey and Masonry is in the works.
*Video connection for presentations is also an option.
Travel Information: Nathan humbly requests that travel and accommodation must be covered if not within 100 miles of Cooperstown, NY.