Jon T. Ruark is a Past Master of The Patriot Lodge No. 1957 in Fairfax, VA. His love of technology and gadgets led him to start The Masonic Roundtable as an online dialogue platform. He is an Engineer for the federal government by trade and specializes in Lean and Agile development. His Masonic interests lean toward the esoteric and philosophical aspects of the fraternity. He lives in Virginia with his wife and four children.
Prepared topics:
Freemasonry in Pop Culture – 25 Minutes
A video mashup of fraternal satire in modern pop culture animation.
The Philosophical Elements of the Circumpunct – 30 Minutes
A tyled presentation diving into the historical evidence of the philosophy behind the point within a circle.
Sacred Geometry – 30 Minutes
An artistic application of a Mason’s tool in ways that mix art and science to better understand the divine.
The Revelation: A Critical Analysis of Masonic Demographics – 45 Minutes
After years of research into Grand Lodge proceedings, Jon T. Ruark has found the critical data that should be focused on growing Masonic membership. Learn about the various facets of the craft and how to provide a superior lodge experience.
The Practical Application of the Four Worlds – 40 Minutes
An esoteric discussion on applying a kabbalistic framework in masonic, social, and spiritual aspects.
The Royal Arch of Heaven – 25 Minutes
An exploration into the astrological symbolism of the Royal Arch degree. This presentation includes an introduction to astronomy, astrology, and correspondent symbology that gives new meaning to the York Rite philosophy.
Transcendent Light – 60 Minutes
Light is a common theme in the Masonic experience. But what does it mean philosophically, and what are we supposed to do with it when we receive “further Light?” In this presentation, we’ll discuss the hidden meanings of theological Light, its interpretations, its impact on religion, and how receiving “more Light” can be a transformative experience for the individual.
It’s Business Time – 60 Minutes
This presentation walks through the concepts contained in It’s Business Time: Adapting a Corporate Path for Freemasonry. Timeless business practices that made fortune 50 companies successful are examined in a way that adapts them to the Fraternity to bring about that same success. A joint presentation with the authors, Jon T. Ruark and Robert H. Johnson.
Travel Information: No limit to travel distance, but all travel costs and lodging must be covered.
www.themasonicroundtable.com – “The Masonic Roundtable” Podcast