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Michael Samu


Michael Samu was born and raised in Joshua Tree, California, and has been a Master Mason since 2018. He works in healthcare as a phlebotomist but also provides tarot readings, writes articles on the occult and esoteric for PRS Journal (publication of the Philosophical Research Society created by Manly P Hall), and is currently the Organist and Lecturer-In-Residence for “Three Great Lights” Whittier Lodge #323. Brother Samu leads the Whittier Masonic Study Club, which focuses on curating talks on the esoteric and philosophical aspects of Masonry.

Prepared Topics:

How to Be a Virtuous Person-The Four Cardinal Virtues:
A deep dive into the virtues that all Masons should exemplify

Numbers and their Sacred Meanings:
Cultivating an understanding of numbers assists us in understanding the most sacred science a Mason can study, Geometry 

Freemasonry: Opening the Door –
Understanding Masonic History to dispel rumors and misconceptions about the Craft

The Holy Saints John: Who and What They Are –
Only briefly mentioned in the Masonic lecture, these Patron saints are tied to one of the most profound symbols of Masonry; the Point within a circle. This lecture is meant to help us understand this symbol so we may meditate and contemplate upon it with better understanding. 

The Chamber of Reflection – and why your lodge should have one:
This Lecture seeks to dive into the symbolism and purpose of the COR and why all lodges should have one.

Native American Freemasonry –
When Masons first arrived on the American Continent, they were shocked to find that the Aboriginal people had many grips, signals, rituals, and even words that were familiar to Masonry. This led many to believe the natives had ties to our ancient Hebrew Brethren. In this lecture we explore this myth, among others, to understand what Masonry meant to the Native Americans. 

Mozart’s Masonic Opera –
The Magic Flute is rich in Masonic symbolism and allegory, but within it, there is a deeper spiritual truth that waits to be unveiled. Through the lens of history and Mozart’s life, we will explore the sacred teachings within Mozart’s final opera.

Masonic Meditations –
Practical Guided Masonic Meditations for Enlightenment: Simply put, this is a guided meditation rooted in Masonic teachings, principles, and symbolism.

Get in Line -The Importance of Masonic Leadership and the Officer Line:
Many Initiates think that becoming a Master Mason is the goal of joining the Craft. Little do they know, that is just the surface. This lecture seeks to educate new Masons about the importance of joining the Officer Line and highlights the benefits of doing so.

Masonry and the Golden Dawn:
One of the most prolific orders of its time, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is an esoteric order that was founded by Masons. Much intrigue and conspiracy abound. This lecture sheds light on the history and function of the Golden Dawn. 

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and Masonry:
It is hard to argue that Plato is one of the most influential philosophers of all time. He left behind many thought experiments and ideas for the contemplative Mason, one of his greatest being the Allegory of the Cave. This lecture dives into this story and ties it to the most important aspect of Masonry – the gravity of initiation.

Travel Information: Willing to travel anywhere. All I need is room and board (can be hotel or a Brother’s guest room), flight tickets, and a $40 per diem for food. If within Southern California, this does not apply.



Instagram: @magickmike770 & @fellowshipofthemysteries

Twitter: @magickmike770

TikTok: @magickmike770

Fees: Negotiable

To book Michael, contact him direct with the form below.