Bro. Ken JP Stuczynski is a member of West Seneca Lodge No.1111 and recently served as Master of Ken-Ton Lodge No.1186. As webmaster for NYMasons.Org, he is on the Communications and Technology Committees for the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. He is also a High Priest in Royal Arch Masonry, 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason (Past Sovereign Prince), and Cryptic Mason. He and his wife served as Patron and Matron of Pond Chapter No.853 Order of the Eastern Star and considers himself a “Masonic Feminist”.
As a masonic speaker throughout New York State, he primarily speaks regarding the use of technology in the Craft. Some of his numerous Empire State Mason articles have been republished in Arizona and New Jersey. To aid in his outreach on these topics, he authored “Webmastering the Craft: Fraternity in a Digital World”, available worldwide in softcover and eBook. He also regularly gives his “Astronomical Tour of the Lodge” at various Lodges.
Having lifelong interests in world religions, science, and other fields, his degree is in Philosophy with a concentration in Ethics and a minor In Psychology. He has written articles and essays on the topics of science and religion, culture and politics, business and economics, technology and futurism, as well as various aspects of social psychology. Usually, with interdisciplinary contexts, many of these focus on the ideals of intellectual honesty and tolerance in all forms. Having edited and contributed to Books of Transactions as a member of the Western New York Lodge of Research, he is writing a book on MAsonic research bodies.
Slowly transitioning to writing and publishing, he continues working on his primary business, Kentropolis Web Development, and Design. He works from home, living in Buffalo, New York with his wife and numerous pets. In addition to various community service projects, he is also an independent interfaith minister with hospital chaplain credentials which aid him in visiting Brethren at health facilities. He also enjoys carpentry, martial arts, and beekeeping.
Prepared Topics:
Arabic Cypher Hypothesis – 25 Minutes
The origin and encryption of Templar banking
Technology: A History of Fear and Faith – 30 Minutes
The historical relationship between technology and the nature of mankind.
An Astronomical Tour of the Lodge – 30 Minutes
Lodge walkabout connecting the motions of the heavens with the ambulations and symbols of our Work.
The Battle for Brotherhood – 20 Minutes
Choosing among the conflicting views of what it means to be a Brother in the world (15-20 min.)
Travel Information: Distances more than 75 miles from Buffalo, NY may require covering overnight accommodation (as house guest or AirBNB); Distances over 350 miles may require covering air travel.