Chris Ruli is a Washington, DC-based writer and researcher on American Freemasonry. His work focuses on the early development of Freemasonry in Washington, D.C. and the fraternity\’s interactions with the Presidents of the United States. He is a former Grand Historian and Librarian of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia and currently serves in similar roles for the Scottish Rite and York Rite bodies in Washington. His research has been featured in Masonic and non-Masonic publications including Philalethes, Heredom, Plumbline, Scottish Rite Journal, and the D.C. Historical Society. He has also appeared on several popular podcasts including the Masonic Roundtable, the Scottish Rite Journal podcast, and the 1600 Sessions – a podcast by the White House Historical Association. He has also appeared on the History Channel to discuss Freemasonry and the White House. Ruli is a member of Federal Lodge No. 1 in DC and Alexandria-Washington No. 22 in Virginia and serves in various archival roles for both bodies.
Prepared Topics:
Freemasonry and the Presidents of the United States
Myths and Legends of Masonic Washington, D.C.
The History of Freemasonry in Washington, D.C. (1811 – 2000s)
The Morgan Affair and the National Anti-Masonic Party’s activities
Please contact for any additional topics of interest. Presentations are often 45 minutes + 15 minutes for questions.
Presentation length may be reduced or expanded depending on the request.
All presentations are open to non-Masons: family, guests, and prospectives.
Travel Information: At least 1 month notice is kindly requested for presentation requests.
Presentations in DC, Maryland, Virginia: $200 fee.
Presentations in all other states: $200 fee and reimbursement for any travel expenses – airfare, hotel, transport costs.
twitter: @chrisruli